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Publishing house “Edward Elgar Publishing” (UK) has published “Dictionary of Ecological Economics: Terms for the New Millennium”
Dictionary of Ecological Economics: Terms for the New Millennium

Andrei Vavilov, Georgy Trofimov
“Natural Resource Pricing and Rents. An Economic Analysis”/ Springer International Publishing/ 2021
This book examines the economics of natural resource markets and pricing, as well as the field of natural resource economics in general. It presents the key contributions to this field of research, including the pioneering works and contemporary studies. The book highlights the basic principles and ideas underlying theoretical models of resource pricing.
The models considered in the book underline the fundamental determinants of resource prices and the economic nature of rents for non-renewable and renewable resources. Besides the classical theory of exhaustible resource economics, the book includes several issues that are of high importance for global economic growth, such as the transition to alternative energy and the economics of climate change. The authors also consider the issues of commodity pricing and a resource cartel’s activity that are relevant to the world oil market.
The book provides analytical solutions illustrated with numerical examples. It allows an intuitive understanding of the subject and the model inferences through graphical illustrations and an informal introduction. It, therefore, is a must-read for everybody interested in a better understanding of resource prices, resource markets, and resource economics.
“Natural Resource Pricing and Rents. An Economic Analysis”
“Vedomosti” newspaper, January 9, 2021
It’s All Set for a Radical Transition to the CryptoRuble
pdf, 560.41 Кб
JMDR - 2015 Volume 3, Number 1
Credit-driven Asset Inflation and Intergenerational Wealth Transfers
pdf, 426.38 Кб
Lebedev, Kirill Konstantinovich
“Ekonomicheskaya nauka sovremennoi Rossii” magazin,
№3, 2011.
pdf, 286.81 Кб“Novoe zakonodatelstvo. For Heads of Budjet Organizations” magazine,
№ 1(4), 2009.
Vulnerable Russia. Premises and Effects of the Economic Crisis

“Economic Policy” magazine, №1, 2008.
Fiscal Policy Regime Diagnostics for Russian Subnational Governments
pdf, 211.01 Кб
Andrei Vavilov, Trofimov, Georgy Yulianovich
“Profile” magazine, № 18(573), 2008.
Formula for Energy Security
pdf, 42.03 Кб
Lebedev, Kirill Konstantinovich
“Economic Science of the Modern Russia”,
№1, 2007.
International Trade Strategy of Russia`s Arms Exporters
pdf, 158.04 Кб
Lebedev, Kirill Konstantinovich
“Studies on Russian Economic Development”
magazine, № 5, 2007.
Assessing the Impact of High-Technology Export on the Growth Rate and Structure of the Russian Economy
pdf, 111.67 Кб
“Economics and Mathematical Methods”,
№ 2, 2007.
Inflation and Budget Gap – Is There Any Connection between These in Regions

“Vedomosti” newspaper,
№ 109(1883), 18.06.2007.
Financial Policy: Smart Stabilization Fund
pdf, 97.19 Кб
“Vremya novostey” newspaper,
№ 122, 13.07.2007.
Revaluation Situation. The State Must Protect Economic Growth
pdf, 234.77 Кб
“Economics and Mathematical Methods”,
№ 2, 2007.
Milton Friedman - Scientist and Ideologist
pdf, 228.81 Кб
Institute for Financial Studies, 2007.
The Extent of the Market as a Factor of Growth
pdf, 416.29 Кб
Lebedev, Kirill Konstantinovich
“Gas Industry” magazine,
№ 6, 2006.
Forecasts of Liquefied Natural Gas World Market Development
pdf, 71.03 Кб
Lebedev, Kirill Konstantinovich
“World Energy” magazine, № 2, 2006.
Who Else Needs Gas?
pdf, 39.24 Кб
Lebedev, Kirill Konstantinovich
“World Energy” magazine, №7, 2006.
Liquefied Natural Gas is Still Too Expensive for Us
pdf, 3.06 Мб
Lebedev, Kirill Konstantinovich
Moscow: Scientific works of IER,
2006. - 672 p.
Modeling of the Influence of Export Capacity of Machine Building on the Economic Growth Rate in Russia
pdf, 294.23 Кб
“Economics and Mathematical Methods”,
№ 4, 2006.
Economy and Neuroscience - on the Path to the Synthesis
pdf, 288.43 Кб
Lebedev, Kirill Konstantinovich
“World Energy” magazine,
№ 6, 2005.
Faster, Bigger, More Powerful
pdf, 93.24 Кб
Kovalishina, Galina Vladimirovna
“Bankovskoe delo v Moskve”, № 6 (114), 2004
Outcomes Are Predictable
pdf, 17.19 Кб
Moscow: Publishing house «GORODETS» ,
2003. ISBN 5-9258-0072-9.
Public debt: lessons of crisis and principles of management. Gorodets publishing house. The second revised edition

Kovalishina, Galina Vladimirovna
National Metallurgy, № 2
Why Metalworking Companies Are Reluctant to Enter the Security Market
pdf, 179.05 Кб
Kovalishina, Galina Vladimirovna
Audit and Financial Analysis, №3
A System Approach to Effective Firm Management
pdf, 463.4 Кб
Kovalishina, Galina Vladimirovna
“National Metallurgy” magazine,
№ 3, 2002.
Balance of Payments and Currency Flows Control
pdf, 435.86 Кб
Kovalishina, Galina Vladimirovna, Kovalishin, Evgeny Anatolievich
Balance of payments and financial policy. Collection of Articles. Moscow: CEMI Russian Academy of Sciences, 2001. (published in Russian)
Balance of payments, currency regulation and control
pdf, 400.11 Кб
Andrei Vavilov, Kovalishin, Evgeny Anatolievich
"Voprosy Economiki",
2001, №8. (published in Russian)
Principles of effective debt management policy
pdf, 695.24 Кб"Gorodets" publishing house, Moscow 2001.
(published in Russian)
Public debt: lessons of the crisis and principles of management

Kovalishina, Galina Vladimirovna
Commodity Market, No.0 (01)
Nonferrous Metal Market: Basic Platforms and Factors
pdf, 377.06 КбAndrei Vavilov, Pomansky, Aleksey Borisovich, Trofimov, Georgy Yulianovich
Institute for Financial Studies, Moscow 1999.
(published in Russian)
Financial crisis and public debt

Andrei Vavilov, Trofimov, Georgy Yulianovich
"Kommersant-Money" journal, № 12(215),
1998. ("Bankrot-front").
New bankruptcy procedure
pdf, 116.1 Кб
"Novaya gazeta" weekly newspaper, issue # 2 (525),
January 18-24, 1999.
New russian crisis
pdf, 90.46 Кб
Pomansky, Aleksey Borisovich, Kovalishin, Evgeny Anatolievich
Real Options: the Optimal Moment for Investing
pdf, 1.49 Мб
Andrei Vavilov, Trofimov, Georgy Yulianovich
"Nezavisimaya gazeta" issue # 205,
November 3, 1998.
New outlines of global financial system
pdf, 132.46 Кб
Andrei Vavilov, Trofimov, Georgy Yulianovich
"KommersantЪ-Vlast" journal,
July 1998.
Flexible Ruble Devalues with No Pain
pdf, 119.56 Кб
Trofimov, Georgy Yulianovich, Andrei Vavilov
"Voprosy Ekonomiki" journal,
№12, 1997.
Stablization and Russian state debt management
pdf, 405.43 Кб“Mathematical Social Sciences”
magazine, vol. 34 (3), 1997, pp. 205-222.
Complete monotonicity, background risk, and risk aversion

USA: ASPO, Takoma Park, 1997.
Trade Patterns in the Former Soviet Union. Five years’ Policy Experience and the Futures.
pdf, 2.86 Мб
Andrei Vavilov, Trofimov, Georgy Yulianovich
"Dengi" magazine,
December 15, 1997.
"I know the crisis will be"
pdf, 170.24 Кб
“Journal of Economic Theory”,
Efsevier, vol. 71 (2), 1996, pp. 485-513.
Mixed Risk Aversion
It’s All Set for a Radical Transition to the CryptoRuble
The article by A.Vavilov "It’s All Set for a Radical Transition to the CryptoRuble"/“Vedomosti” new...
Credit-driven Asset Inflation and Intergenerational Wealth Transfers by G. Trofimov
"Credit-driven Asset Inflation and Intergenerational Wealth Transfers" article was published in Journal of Mac...
The article by G.Yu. Trofimov, IFI Chief Economist, Financial Markets’ Difficult Puzzles, devoted to the Noble Prize Win...
A. Vavilov became a member of the New Economic School Board of Directors.
In May 2013 Andrey Vavilov became a member of the New Economic School Board of Directors.
Europe-Asia Studies reviewed Andrey Vavilov's "The Russian Public Debt and Financial Meltdowns"
Europe-Asia Studies reviewed Andrey Vavilov's "The Russian Public Debt and Financial Meltdowns" in Vol. 65...
Competitive storage and commodity price in continuous time
Commodity Markets \ pdf, 602.5 Кб
Industrial \ pdf, 284.23 Кб
AVTOVAZ stakes on LADA priora
Industrial \ pdf, 270.01 Кб